Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Lexi's Instructions for Power Play

For this final comprehensive assignment, I created a game called “Power Play”. This game is designed to help teach the concept of Adaptive Structuration. This idea discusses how small group communication works and how individuals can behave and change in order to be successful in their effort and ultimately achieve "Social Integration". Adaptive Structuration addresses the use of power people display and utilize during small group communication. 
The powers are: 
  • Reward power (the ability to give praise or material rewards, to remove negative aspects of interactions)
  • Coercive power (the ability to punish for non-compliance)
  • Referent power (the ability to obtain compliance perhaps through having a closer bond or being likable)
  • Legitimate power (abilities associated with a position within the group, could be given by a certain name such as manager or supervisor)
  • Expert power (the ability to influence others because of expertise)
This theory describes how "discursive consciousness" is the ability of individuals within the group to communication their thoughts, feeling and ideas. When that is not possible and something can not be expressed, it is referred to as "practical consciousness".  

The downloadable game pieces I designed include:

  • A four-stepped pyramid game board with small holes that act like a peg board for the playing pieces. 
  • Four playing pieces for each player
  • Two Dice, one with numbers on them, one with the powers and consciousness options on them. 
  • PDF of the consciousness cards. 

Instructions for "Power Play":

Set Up 

  • Put the game board in the center of all the players
  • Place the pile of consciousness cards face down somewhere near the playing board. 
  • Each player chooses a playing piece and a corner (numbered 1-4) to begin the game at. The game requires at least two but can have no more than four players. 
Game play 
  • The player that has chosen to begin on the number 1 corner will role first. 
  • For a player to be able to place their piece on the first peg of the first Level A on their numbered corner, they must role either a 6 or an Expert (E). If they do not role this, on their first role, the next player can role to see if they can start. 
  • Once a player is able to put their playing piece on the pyramid they will role both die each turn to determine their movements. 
  • The numbered die determines how many spaces a player can move around the level the are one. Once a player has done a circle and returned to their number, they can move up to the next level. 
  • The Power die determine how the player can move:
    • R = Referent Power: The roller moves FORWARD the number of spaces indicated by the number die and then chooses someone on the SAME level as them to move FORWARD that many spaces as well. 
    • L = Legitimate Power: The roller moves FORWARD the number of spaces indicated by the number die and then chooses another player on the level BELOW them to move BACK the number of spaces on the die. If they are still on the first level, they do not have to choose anyone to move back. 
    • E = Expert Power: Everyone moves FORWARD the number of space on the number die.
    • + = Reward Power: The roller chooses any other player to move FORWARD the number of spaces on the number die. 
    • - = Coercive Power: The roller chooses any other player to move BACK the number of spaces on the number die. 
    • C = Consciousness Card: player chooses a consciousness card, read it to determine their move. Place the used card in a separate discard pile or at the bottom of the pile. 
  • When one player reaches the top, it is still possible from them to have to move back spaces if another player dictates it.
  • In order for the game to be over, every player must reach the top level of the pyramid labeled "S.I." which represents the achievement of Social Integration. 
  • The strategy includes assessing where each player lies on the board and how each move affects the entire group's ability to reach the top. 

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