Thursday, May 1, 2014

Accommodation Game Rules

The game that I have designed is called “Accommodation”. The goal of the game is to teach players about the concept called accommodation. Accommodation basically discusses the way that words are changed slightly to accommodate to the sentence or context that they are used in. The game “Accommodation” will allow players to experience accommodation in a fun, interactive way.

The game pieces that will be available for free download include:

150 cards
  •  50 verb cards
  •  50 noun cards
  •  50 adverb cards
50 Tokens 

The box with storage areas for the cards and the tokens 

The lid with areas to place the cards that are being played 

A small rod to hold the lid up for game play ease

These are the instructions to the game “Accommodation”:

Set Up
  • Set the lid of the box up so that the player whose turn it is to accommodate can see it, but the rest of the group cannot
  • The box with the three decks of cards and the tokens in it should be in a central area so that players can grab their tokens when they earn them and the player accommodating can draw cards to play
Game play

  • This game is best played with four or more players
  • To decide who will be the first player to accommodate, there will be a quick “Rock, Paper, Scissors” round.
  • The player who wins “Rock, Paper, Scissors” will be the first player to accommodate.
  • The accommodator will draw one noun card, one verb card, one adverb card, and place them in the appropriately labeled slots on the lid so that he or she can see the cards.
  • The accommodator will then accommodate the words into either an action that he or she can act out for the group of other players or a drawing that he or she can draw out for the group of other players. The goal of the acting or drawing is for another player to guess the three words correctly. 
  • The group of guessing players has a total of five guesses before they must stop guessing.
  •  If a player guesses correctly before the five guesses are up, he or she gets a token. The accommodator gets a token as well.
  • If no player guesses correctly before the five guesses are up, no one gets a token.
  • The first player to gain ten tokens wins the game!

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