Lexi's First Scenes
Working with the Leonar3do system for the first time was very exciting. We were
instructed to create two different scenes. The first scene we made plain shapes in order to
get a feel for the "bird" controller and the manipulations the program is capable of. On requirement was to have the simple objects be connected so that when you move one, the other followers, but the first object (parent) is still capable of moving freely on it's own.
For our second scene, we were given the opportunity to create our own shape. I wanted to experiment with the sculpting tools in order to make a face out of a sphere. Nonverbals are often utilized within communication acts and are just as important as the words people use. The face I ended up with an expression that could be considered confusion. My favorite part of the character is the eyebrows. I used a tool on the program that scoops out sections of the shape and then one that makes an edge where ever you need it. In the future, I am looking forward to ending up with more realistic figures.
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