Saturday, March 29, 2014

Marcella's First Comprehensive 3D Project Process

               I did my first comprehensive 3D project over the theory of agenda setting.  To complete this project I broke it down into seven steps.  Those steps included choosing a concept, conceptualizing the chosen concept in 2D, creating a 3D scene in the Leonar3do program that portrayed the concept, animating the concept in the Leonar3do program, converting the animation into an educational video, printing out the 3D objects from my concept, and presenting my work to my class and mentors.  In this blog post I will take you through those steps and help you to better understand the process that I went through while working to complete this project. 
               Step one was to choose a concept.  I went to and searched the toolkit.  In the toolkit you can either search key words or look through all of the concepts listed.  I chose to look through all of the concepts because I did not really have an idea of the one that I wanted to use at that point.  I looked through quite a few before I settled on the agenda setter theory.  I chose the agenda setter theory because I could conceptualize it in my mind.  I thought that if I could conceptualize it in my mind, it may be easier for me to translate the concept into a 3D scene.
               Step two was to plan the concept by drawing a blueprint so to speak.  During this step I drew what I planned to create in 3D.  I drew the scene that I planned to make from the top view and the side view. I labeled all of the parts I planned to create as well.  During this step I also wrote about my plans to turn my concept in to a 3D scene.  That write up can be found in my previous blog post entitled Marcella's Work on her Comprehensive 3D Project.  This write up helped me to explain my concept as I would to someone who had never heard of it.  This planning step set me up to create a 3D scene.
               Step three of my process was to create my concept in a 3D world.  I used the Leonar3do system
to create this scene.  I imported an .OBJ file from a third party website called  I also used imported .PNG files to represent different aspects of my scene.  I built objects from primitive shapes, sculpted objects, and used the subtraction tool to create the objects that I needed to complete my scene.
               Step four was to transform my 3D scene into an animation that portrayed the agenda setter theory.  During this step I also used the Leonar3do system.  The Leonar3do system has a feature that allows animation of objects.  By using this feature I was able to manipulate light, camera angles, and objects in order to portray the agenda setter theory. 
               Step five of my process was editing the animation into an educational video with narration and pausing to adequately portray the concept.  During this step I used Windows Movie Maker.  This was my first experience editing video, and I am proud of the outcome.  Windows Movie Maker was fairly easy to use, but I think next time I have to edit video I will try another video editing software so that I get experience with other software. 
               Step six was to print the objects from my 3D scene with a 3D printer.  I am fortunate that Fort Hays State University has extremely advanced technological resources.  I was able to load my .OBJ files onto a 3D printer and let the printer create physical objects that can be manipulated by the user in real time and space. This step is crucial because it allows individuals to manipulate these objects and learn about the agenda setter theory by doing so.  These printed objects could be used in a classroom setting or by anyone wanting to better understand the agenda setter theory.  These objects are available for download at 3D Concept Visualization Google Drive.
      Step seven was to present all of my work to my class as well as some of my mentors at Fort Hays State University.  In order to present my project I decided to put everything into a power point presentation. During my presentation I took the viewers through the same steps that I am writing about now.  My hope throughout the presentation was to show how easy use of the Leonar3do equipment and the 3D printers is. 
               The next step will be to attend the Central States Communication Association’s Elevate conference with my classmates and instructor.  At this conference we will present our G.I.F.T., great idea for teaching, and attend workshops. This year the conference is in Minneapolis, Minnesota. 

               This process has been intense and a lot of work, but I have learned so much about not only the technology involved but also the different communication theories my classmates and I portrayed.  After finishing this project I am excited to work on the next project like this because I want to put the skills and knowledge that I gained from this project to the test.  

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